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Emerging Leader Scholarship

FFEA encourages you to submit an application to attend the 31st Annual Convention & Expo through an Emerging Leaders Scholarship. The conference scholarship will cover registration fee, onsite lodging, conference meals and travel expenses to and from the conference site.

The Scholarship Committee has developed the following guidelines in establishing its merit­-based scholarship program to award recipients to attend the FFEA Annual Conference held on August 12-14, 2025 at the Renaissance SeaWorld Resort in Orlando, FL.

The event professionals selected to receive this conference scholarship have the opportunity to:
  • Attend informative presentations concerning current issues in event industry
  • Engage in discussions and network with event professionals from throughout the state
  • Participate in professional development workshops and numerous educational sessions

Eligibility Requirements:

  • You must be a first-time attendee of the FFEA Convention
  • You must have been employed in the event industry for fewer than 3 years total or since graduating.
  • You must demonstrate and have a strong desire to positively affect the future of the event planning profession.

Scholarship Winners are Expected to:

  • Attend and participate in all FFEA Annual Conference sessions.
  • Prepare a written and/or visual summary of your experience at the FFEA Conference, which may be used in future FFFEA marketing promotions.
  • Volunteer for at least one shift during the conference. This may be as a room host, registration desk attendant, greeter, etc.

Additional Information:

  • Decisions to award a scholarship shall be made at the full discretion of the FFEA Scholarship Committee.
  • All applicants are responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by all of the scholarship program guidelines.
  • Scholarships are non-transferable and may only be used for the dates offered.

Complete application packages must include the following:

  • Two letters of recommendation including one from current employer and one from a colleague, former professor or professional contact
  • Uploaded Resume or CV to include all event related experience (volunteer and paid)
  • Applicant must provide a VIDEO response to the following (2 minutes or fewer): Describe how you believe that your attendance at this conference will contribute to your future career in the event industry.
  • Applicant must provide a response to each of the following (1,000 characters of less per question, via the online application):
    • Explain your interest in attending this conference.
    • Describe your career goals.
    • Explain what motivated your desire to work in the events industry

  • Dates & Deadlines

    Application Submission Deadline: April 19th at 11:59pm
    Notification of Award Status: Week of May 22nd
    Winner Questionnaire Responses Due: June 5th
    Convention & Tradeshow: August 12-14, 2025 at the Renaissance SeaWorld Resort in Orlando, FL
    *Winners must be present during all conference dates

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