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Puccini's TURANDOT - The Opera - Reimagined!

Date: Apr 19 - May 10, 2025
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:15 PM

Bringing live opera into such unexpected spaces as the Florida countryside, a downtown cocktail bar and even a current and former church, wherever you come to experience The Pinnacle Singers' TURANDOT you really are coming for just that: an experience... unlike any other!

Famous for the beloved tenor aria 'Nessun Dorma', TURANDOT is Puccini's final opera. Set in ancient China it tells the legend of a princess whose hand will be won by whichever visiting prince can answer her riddles correctly... though a wrong answer spells his demise!

Abridging this grand show to under an hour in length, The Pinnacle Singers have reimagined this spectacular score for a cast of just four - bringing the exhilarating experience of the world's finest and most ferocious voices up close and personal where you can enjoy every thrilling nuance. Rediscover the Legend of Turandot in an exciting new way!

Distinguished by ferocious singing, this is an opera in which grotesquely self-important characters fling themselves earnestly at absurd situations... with no regard for the consequences of their maniacal behavior!

A tale of ego, madness, and insanity!!

The Pinnacle Singers' curious reimagining of Puccini's TURANDOT will be performed at several unconventional venues in Central Florida in April and May 2025. Full details at www.thepinnaclesingers.com

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