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More Than Words: Storytelling Workshop

Date: Feb 06, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

More Than Words: Storytelling Workshop

Fringe& and Paul Strickland Storyteller present More than Words: Performance Techniques for Storytelling and Solo Performance!

This workshop is for all skill levels and all body types.

Most everyone can "talk with their hands." But physicality and movement in storytelling and solo performance can be an incredibly effective tool if done with intentionality and a little practice. In this workshop we'll examine how to determine what parts of your story / show would benefit from a more intentional approach to movement/physicality, and how to apply those concepts to YOUR BODY RIGHT NOW. It's your story. Tell it with YOUR BODY.

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Show, don’t tell.” In this workshop you’ll learn how to show better when you tell. Supporting the story you’re telling with a seasoning of the performance techniques you’ll learn in this workshop will elevate your listeners’ experience while deepening your connection to the story itself.

This is a 3 hour workshop recommended for ages 18 & up.

"An hour spent with master storyteller Paul Strickland is an hour well spent, and one you should not miss.” – Cincinnati Enquirer

Paul Strickland is a professional storyteller and theatre artist who lives in Kentucky. He has well over 7 hours of unique family friendly stories in his repertoire, including reupholstered folk tales, fairytales for adults and future adults, tall-tales and even historical stories that just happened to have never happened.

Paul was an FEATURED TELLER: NEW VOICE at the National Storytelling Festival in 2023. He was also a Featured Teller at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in September of 2023, and has been a featured teller at several major storytelling festivals,

including the Cave Run Storytelling Festival, in 2022.

In November of 2018 he made his NYC stage debut Off-Broadway at the SoHo Playhouse with his shadow and flashlight ghost story play "13 Dead Dreams of "Eugene."

Always adapting to whatever audience is in front of him, Paul LOVES telling stories in every imaginable environment, from comedy clubs to elementary and middle schools, corporate events and even two prisons - where he was NOT an inmate at the time. Collections of his stories have won "Best of Fest" honors more than 16 times at Fringe Theatre Festivals in the US and Canada.

Selections from his comedy performance "Levels of Difficulty" are still played nearly every day on SiriusXM radio.

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