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Fleetwood Mac Tribute

Date: Dec 07, 2019
Time: 8:00 PM
Fronting one of the leading Fleetwood Mac tributes in the country today, lead singer Mekenzie Jackson, in the part of Stevie Nicks was bewitched by the music of Fleetwood Mac at a young age and as it turns out she can duplicate the iconic singers voice so well that she and Rumours effortlessly transport audiences to the height of Fleetwood Mac’s amazing success. The sensational voices of Rumours accomplished musicians recreate the signature harmonies; and along with their expert instrumentation, stage moves and wardrobe, replicate those magical moments in music history that Fleetwood Mac fans cherish and can now relive again and again. The passion for the music of Fleetwood Mac is what makes Rumours a success. The band’s members have been influenced by and admirers of Fleetwood Mac for many years and strive to not only recreate their unmistakable, enchanting sound but to give it the honor it so rightly deserves. Fans attending Rumours concerts can feel the love!
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