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The Stephanie Ann Show

The Stephanie Ann Show is high-energy excitement. She has been described as a stick of dynamite that explodes on stage. Touring in support of her 4 CDs, Stephanie Ann will mesmerize your audience with her unique violin/fiddle stylings and her captivating vocals. She has a master’s degree in Classical Violin but has been known to fiddle around the Grand Ole Opry. Her diverse musical background enables her to engage an audience with super complicated hot classical pieces to fancy jazz, classic rock, pop country and gospel songs. Our show is custom tailored to fit any size or type of audience in any setting. We’ve performed hundreds of shows in venues all around the world and would be honored to perform at your next event or festival. You can visit our website at www.StephanieAnn.com for detailed information or listen to her music on any of your favorite music streaming platforms under the artist name StephanieAnn.
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