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Application Guidelines

The Florida Festivals and Events Association’s SUNsational Awards Program recognizes members' innovation, individuality and creative collaboration. SUNsational Award applications are available in January each year and awards are announced and distributed at the Annual Convention and Tradeshow during a luncheon ceremony. Application details and a link to apply online are all below.

Press releases, explaining the award and the competition, will be written and distributed throughout the state. Additionally, customized press releases for your specific market will be distributed to all winners immediately following the luncheon. We encourage you to send out press releases to your local media contacts.

Award winners may request for an FFEA Representative to officially present the awards in their local market at an organization meeting, City Council meeting or other event.

Budget Categories

Events of all sizes are encouraged to submit entries. You will be judged among your peers in the same event budget category so you are competing with festivals with similar budgets. There are three event budget categories:
  • $49,999 and under
  • $50,000 - $249,999
  • $250,000 and over

Please submit each entry in one of these event budget categories. Budgets should include the entire budget for the event that you are entering, including all in-kind services. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!

Deadlines & Pricing

  • March 1 - April 30 - $25 per category application
  • May 1 - May 31 - $35 per category application
  • June 1 - June 17 - $45 per category application
  • Final deadline - June 16th at 11:59pm
  • Applications will only be accepted for events that occurred or were scheduled for between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025. *Events can be in-person, virtual, hybrid or community engagement / at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see the entries that were submitted? - All entries will be displayed at the Convention & Expo - August 12-14 at the Renaissance SeaWorld Resort in Orlando, FL. In an effort to focus on sustainability, most entries will be displayed digitally and a link to all digital files will be made exclusively available to members after the event.

When will winners be announced? - Winners will be announced at the 30th Annual Convention and Expo Awards Luncheon, Wednesday, August 13. Winners will be presented with an award to display.

Do I have to be present to win? - Although we encourage you to attend the Convention and Expo, you do not have to be present to win a SUNsational Award.

How can I view the winning entries? - A PowerPoint of all winning entries will be placed on the FFEA website.

Will press releases, on winning entries, be distributed? - Press releases, explaining the award and the competition, will be written and distributed throughout the state. Additionally, customized press releases for your specific market will be distributed to all winners immediately following the luncheon. We encourage you to send out press releases to your media contacts as well.

Rules & Policies

  • Only FFEA members are eligible to submit entries.
  • You may only submit ONCE PER CATEGORY for EACH event you produce however you may enter in as many categories as you would like.
  • Entries must have been produced and/or utilized between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025. *Events can be in-person, virtual, hybrid or at-home.
  • Please pay close attention to the submission requirements. If submission requirements are not met, your entry may not be judged.
  • All entries become the property of FFEA. FFEA assumes no liability for items lost, taken, or damaged.
  • All entries must be submitted and paid for by June 16, 2025.
  • All entries must include payment at time of submission.


Entries are judged by professionals in their fields of radio, television, photography, website development, promotions, graphics, advertising, public relations, marketing, social media, and special event production. The entries are judged through a point system based on the criteria listed for each category.

Three SUNsational Awards will be given in each award category; a best in category award and two runner-up awards, unless, in the opinion of the judges, no award is merited. The judges reserve the right to give multiple awards in a category if scores are tied.


The early entry fee for each entry is $25 for nominations submitted by April 30th or $35 for nominations submitted between May 1 - May 31. The entry fee between June 1 – June 15th is $45. You may pay the entry fee online with credit card or mail a check to: FFEA, 2115 Alameda Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804. All payments must be received prior to June 15, 2025 in order for the application to be included in the judging. There is no charge to nominate for the Distinguished Awards.




Printed Materials Categories

Promotional Mailer: Postcard / Direct Mail Piece / Newspaper Insert

Promotional / Marketing Poster (not for sale)

Commemorative Poster (for sale)

Program / Event Guide / Brochure

Tickets & Invitations

Event Recap / Annual Report
Is the item’s message informative, clear, concise, compelling enough to engage the audience, easy to understand, possess exceptional design features and is it original? Judging done in person.
Upload a digital PDF or Jpeg of the item.

Mail the original printed item by July 1.

Outdoor Advertising Categories

Billboard / Signage
This category includes all outdoor billboards (print and digital) and signage.

Banners / Street Pole Banners
This category includes over the street banners, street pole banners and promotional outdoor signage.

Installations / Wraps
This category includes any installations and wraps including vehicles, elevators, parking garages, trash cans, etc.
Is the message informative, clear, concise, compelling enough to engage the audience, easy to read, have visual impact, and original? Judging done online.
Upload a digital PDF or jpeg image of advertisement.

No mailing requirement.

PR / Media Categories

PR / Media Campaign
Includes Press Kit, Overall Media Campaign, Press Conferences, Publicity Stunts

Social Media Ad Campaign
Includes single or multiple ads or campaigns promoted through social media platforms

Is the content creative and well-organized with a clear message?

Judging done online.
Submit required documents online as one PDF. No mailing requirements.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (typed as a minimum of one page document)
  • Introduction & Background of Campaign
  • Effectiveness of Campaign
  • Any images or samples of releases or media related to campaign.

Photo Categories

Photo (Black & White or Color)

Does the photo have original and exceptional composition, use of light and color, and evoke an emotion or leave an impression?Judging done online.
Upload a digital jpeg of the photo image.

No mailing requirements.

Photo Opp Area or Selfie Station

Is the photo area/backdrop visually appealing? Does it accurately represent the event brand? Judging done online.
Upload up to 3 digital jpeg images of your photo area or selfie station.

No mailing requirements.

Promo Item / T-Shirt Categories

Promotional Item
Examples of promotional items include, but not limited to, souvenirs, hats, mugs, pins, volunteer / sponsor recognition items.
Is the promotional item original, have visual impact, and serve a purpose for its target market? Judging done in person.
Upload front and back image of item.

Mail one of each item to the FFEA Office by July 1.
Collared shirts should be entered under Promotional Items. Examples include promotional shirts for sale and not for sale and volunteer shirts.
Does the T-shirt display good use of design and originality?Judging done in person.
Upload front and back image of shirt.

Mail t-shirt to the FFEA Office by July 1.

Multimedia Categories

Television Program, Ad OR PSA

Promotional or Recap Video

Radio Program, Ad OR PSA
Is the message informative, clear, concise, compelling enough to engage the audience, original, and have impact? Judging done online.
Submit YouTube or Vimeo link to video or upload to online application.

No mailing requirement.


Mobile App or Mobile Responsive Event Page




Is the website/page/app informative, clear, concise, compelling enough to engage the audience, easy to navigate, have visual impact and does it possess exceptional design features and display originality?Judging done online.
Submit link to webpage, social media site or app download link.

No mailing requirement.

Virtual Event Categories

Virtual Event

Hybrid Event

Submit required documents online as one PDF. No mailing requirements.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (typed as a minimum of one page document)
  • Introduction & Background of main event and program
  • Effectiveness of Program
  • Partner Involvement

  • Printed or Online Materials
  • Promotional / Marketing / Media Materials
  • Supporting Photographs
  • Measurable Results

Programming Categories

Volunteer Program

Sustainability Program

Educational Program

Multi-Agency Collaborative Program

Community Outreach Program

Sponsor Partnership

Entry should highlight a specific sponsor that stands out above all others.

Emergency Action Plan

Children's Program

Crisis Communication / Response Plan

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative

Event Safety / Risk Management Plan
Does the program serve a purpose or objective, involve and benefit all partners, produce measurable results and is it an original idea? Judging done online.
Submit required documents online as one PDF. No mailing requirements.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: (typed as a minimum of one page document)
  • Introduction & Background of main event and program
  • Effectiveness of Program
  • Partner Involvement

  • Printed Materials
  • Promotional / Marketing / Media Materials
  • Supporting Photographs
  • Measurable Results

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